for Observing & Photographing Coyotes in the Wild
- Coyotes
can best be observed in early mornings and later afternoons.
These are the times that coyotes go out on the prowl. Look
into the field grasses to catch a glimpse of them stalking
small prey. They also like wooded areas and rock outcroppings.
Places which their prey live and hide.
- Always
make slow movements when observing wildlife.
- Most
coyotes will flee if you attempt approach them. Decades of
hunting have caused the coyote to be very shy and cautious
of mankind. Most will run once a vehicle slows or stops. Use
of a telephoto lens can help you capture a memorable picture
while causing the animals little or no stress.
- Avoid
using a flash when photographing wildlife. A camera flash
can startle them as well as momentarily blind them from dangers
in their area.
- Avoid
making loud noises. Any noise above a whisper will be noticed
as a possible threat by wildlife.
- Do
Not Feed Wildlife. This is illegal in most states and is not
healthy for the animals.
- Use
Caution when observing any wild coyote. Coyotes can be carriers
of rabies. Coyotes that act friendly, weary, confused or have
foamy mouths should be avoided. If you see a coyote acting
strangely, contact your local police or wildlife officer.
being kind to wildlife has many mutual benefits... Enjoy the
beauty which nature has provided for us to enjoy... While trying
to make the least impact with your presence as possible... Your
efforts will be rewarding...
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